Spring cleaning spring love

After so many months, I thought it was time to shake the dust off this blog and start writing again.

And coincidentally, I was also doing some spring cleaning a couple of weeks back…you know…Chinese New Year. Yes, that once a year where you feel compelled to give your house a thorough cleaning, chucking out all the mess that you’ve accumulated for the past 360 days, though why one should suddenly feel they are junk just 5 days before Chinese New Year after having lived with them in close comfort for the past 360 days before is a puzzle to me.

Back to my story, my aunt was clearing out the cupboards and took out a couple of boxes and dumped them infront of me….telling me in no uncertain terms that I was to go through them and preferably throw them out.

I took a peek….and found that one of them contained the many letters and cards that I’ve kept since I was young.

If you’re around my age, you would remember that once upon a time, people send out cards for all occassions and no occassions. Internet and handphone were non-existent then. Of course, in the last few years, less and less people (me included) send out cards because well….choosing, buying, writing and sending out cards take time….something which we tend to have less of nowadays (though my excuse is that I’m saving the tress ^^). But I must say cards are still special..unless they are cards from your insurance agents.

Anyway, whilst going through the box of cards and letters…I came across a very nice Valentine’s Day card. Opening the card, I saw the short message written in it, telling me how it was love at first sight for him, how pretty I was and ended with a wish from him that I would be his valentine. I found a couple more cards from him…all very big, nice and mushy and all probably costing a bomb.

The cards brought a puzzled smile to my face.

A smile because it was nice to remember the days of young – of being wooed and ‘chased’ and ‘desired’.

Puzzled because I have absolutely no recollection who ‘Ian’ was, which was this said admirer’s name.

Now before you start thinking I had a whole army of suitors in my days of young, I assured you I didn’t..though I did have a few ‘ahem!’ admirers (hubby..are you reading this?). But I do remember all the guys I went out with..at least their names anyway…even if I can’t really remember their faces now.

But the name ‘Ian’ drew a blank. Zilch. Zero.

After thinking long and hard, I think I can hazard a guess who he might be, but I’m still not absolutely sure. And yet, he must have made an impact on me or I wouldn’t have kept his cards all these years right? So why don’t I remember him? And did I even ever go out on a date with him? If it’s who I think he was, I think we had a couple of dinners or lunches or teas…

But you know what would be really interesting?

Would he remember me? Maybe not (X.. who? Never heard of her).

Many people talk about their puppy love or first love with mucht nostalgic warmth. But in reality, many do not really remember much about it. The other day, the DJs on this morning show was asking if listeners remembered their firt kiss…and guess what, most could not remember where or when (well, they have a rough time frame but no exact date).

Me? I can’t even remember how it felt. Oops.

It’s not that all those past relationships weren’t important…they were..at that point in my life…from the first time I went out with a guy…to the first time when I fell in love…to the first time a guy broke my heart into a thousand pieces. They were all part of my life and helped to make my life interesting and what I am today BUT I am more happy and concerned about the present and now.

Sometime last year, I met up with a Korean and she told me something rather interesting. For those of you who watch Korean dramas, you would know that they are mostly filled with themes of finding first love or still being in love with the first love or something like that. Very romantic (which of course is a huge reason for it’s popularity amongst women, the fact that the leading men are droolicious is a plus point of course). Anyway, I asked her out of curiousity if first love is really that important to the Koreans (since dramas tend to mirror life) and she said yes…and in fact she herself would like to find/ know about her first love. Hmmm…

I told her I have absolutely no desire to find my first love, or my second love…in fact any of my past love. Of course, if any of my past loves had looked like Bae Yong Joon or Takeshi Kaneshiro or Daniel Craig, I would be be dying to find them. But then if any of my past loves looked like any of the 3 above guys above, I would still be hanging on to them now. Wahahaha!

I prefer the present and the future…the past, whether good or bad, are great memories but I don’t dwell too much on them. Because the now will become past one day and I want to enjoy it now. The fact that I can’t even remember who this great admirer, Ian is, despite keeping his cards all these years is a good case in point.

Should I keep Ian’s cards?

Perhaps I will keep just one…just for memories’ sake….or until I can solve the mystery of just who this Ian is. ^^

Are you keeping your spring love?

Most Loved – 最愛

Watched My Girl and I tonight. A Korean movie starring Cha Tae Hyun and Song Hae Kyo. About lost of first love.. the genre is very similar to many Korean movies, only that this time round, this is actually the remake of the very popular Japanese movie, “Crying Out from the Centre of World”. The movie was ok but not great.

Very simply:
Su Ho, a simple, ordinary teenager, and Su En, the prettiest girl in the local village fell in love with each other. The first hlaf was fairly funny as it was the about them dating. Then one day, Su Ho discovered that Su En had leukemia. The rest of the movie is when you’re supposed to bring out your hankies. Which I didn’t.

But it did bring about much thoughts. Perhaps because at this age, as my ex-boss/ mentor once told me, is when you start hearing about deaths and regrets from friends.

What brought about this thought? The grandfather scene.

When Su Ho’s grandfather, as an undertaker, had to prepare for the funeral of his first love.

In that cold room, as he embalmed her, and then slowly caressed her, he said: “We finally meet again. Why is it so so difficult for us to meet? In my next life, I want to be with you again. Please wait for me. It will not be long before I join you.”

In those few lines are a thousand regrets. Many would say it’s sad to loose after loving. But it is even sadder when you could never be with the one that you love and live with regrets of “what if..”

I’ve always loved this song by George Lam in the movie Passion (http://www.cinematheque.bc.ca/archives/ja98chff.html)

Most Loved – 最愛
在世間尋覓愛侶 尋獲了但求共聚
Seeking our love in this world, hoping to be together when we find it
But after spending half a life span together
I am now regretting

別了她原為了你 留住愛亦留住罪
I left her for you, retaining love but also guilt
The heart that stayed with you is now broken
Yet she is in my dreams

為何離別了 卻願再相隨
Why do we hope to meet again after parting
為何能共對 又平淡似水
Why is it tatseless like water when we could be each other
問如何下去 為何猜不對
How do we go on,, can’t I get it right?
何謂愛 其實最愛只有誰
What is love, who do I really love?

任每天如夢過去 沉默裡任寒風吹
May each day pass like dream, silence amongst the wind
Who is my greatest love
Is there a right answer

When I was 20, the world stretched before me, now it is no longer so. No, I don’t have regrets. I have been lucky. But in the often bustling world that we live each day, I sometimes do wish the world could slow down just a little. Sometimes I forget. What a miracle it is to meet the one I love, to have my family and to have known the many friends and people along the way.

Chinese calls this 缘分.

I think I must have done well in my previous life.

사랑해요.. 사랑하는사람